502 research outputs found

    Einleitung: Einblick in die Thematik der Notaufnahme

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    Im Rahmen des ARCH4HEALTH Student Research Lab haben sich die Studierenden zunächst einen Überblick über das Thema Notaufnahme erarbeitet, um Ideen für die eigenen Forschungsprojekte und Forschungsfragen zu sammeln. Dabei haben sie sich beispielsweise mit den Aufgaben und den fachlichen Konzeptionen von Notaufnahmen beschäftigt. Auch die verschiedenen Nutzergruppen – vom Personal über die Patient:innen bis zu den Angehörigen – haben sie so beleuchtet. Weiterhin ging es um die Rahmenbedingungen für die bauliche Planung und Konzeption von Notaufnahmen. Abgerundet wurde dies durch einen Blick auf die aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen, vor denen Notaufnahmen stehen. Dieses Kapitel gibt einen Einblick in die erste Recherche der Studierenden.Autor:innen sind die Seminarteilnehmende

    #StuFoExpo 2022

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    Am 10. November 2022, 16 Uhr, begann die diesjährige digitale StuFoExpo 2022 – die fünfte Ausstellung studentischer Forschungsprojekte an der TU Dresden. Paul Druschke, ein ehemaliger StuFo-Teilnehmer, übernahm die Rolle des Moderators und führte galant und charmant durch den Nachmittag bzw. Abend. Rektorin Frau Prof. Ursula Staudinger eröffnete die Veranstaltung mit einem Grußwort und zeigte sich von den engagierten Studierenden an der Technischen Universität Dresden begeistert. Außerdem betonte sie die wachsenden Herausforderungen unseres Planeten und die damit einhergehende Bedeutung, dass junge Leute in ihrer Forschung Verantwortung dafür übernehmen und vielfältige lösungsorientierte Perspektiven eröffnen. An diese Perspektiven anknüpfendend, stellte Dr. Franziska Schulze-Stocker das Programm FOSTER – Funds for Student Research vor, ein Programm zur Förderung studentischer Forschung an der TU Dresden. Anschließend folgte einer der Höhepunkte des Abends: die sechzehn Videopitches. Die 90-sekündigen Kurzvideos wurden von den Teilnehmenden als Ergänzung zu den Postern vorbereitet und sollten Neugierde und Interesse am eigenen Forschungsprojekt wecken. An Kreativität und Einfallsvermögen mangelte es den Teilnehmenden nicht und die Resultate sind spannend und interessant anzuschauen. Wer neugierig auf die Projekte und deren Darstellung geworden ist, kann sich hier Pitches, Poster und Inhalte der Projekte ansehen

    VGC 2023 - Unveiling the dynamic Earth with digital methods: 5th Virtual Geoscience Conference: Book of Abstracts

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    Conference proceedings of the 5th Virtual Geoscience Conference, 21-22 September 2023, held in Dresden. The VGC is a multidisciplinary forum for researchers in geoscience, geomatics and related disciplines to share their latest developments and applications.:Short Courses 9 Workshops Stream 1 10 Workshop Stream 2 11 Workshop Stream 3 12 Session 1 – Point Cloud Processing: Workflows, Geometry & Semantics 14 Session 2 – Visualisation, communication & Teaching 27 Session 3 – Applying Machine Learning in Geosciences 36 Session 4 – Digital Outcrop Characterisation & Analysis 49 Session 5 – Airborne & Remote Mapping 58 Session 6 – Recent Developments in Geomorphic Process and Hazard Monitoring 69 Session 7 – Applications in Hydrology & Ecology 82 Poster Contributions 9

    A middleware service for coordinated adaptation of communication services in groups of devices

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    Abstract—Recent research in pervasive computing has shown that context-awareness and dynamic adaptation are fundamental requirements of mobile distributed applications. However, most approaches that focus on context-aware dynamic adaptation use only the context information available at the mobile device to trigger a local adaptation. However, for distributed collaborative applications this is clearly insufficient, since a same adaptation has to be done, in synch, at all mobile devices of the group, and hence should also be based on a commonly agreed context. Therefore, for such kinds of applications one requires mechanisms and protocols to exchange the context information among the devices and to coordinate of the adaptation operations at a group of mobile device. In this paper we present a middleware service for coordinated adaptation of communication services in groups of devices. At each device this adaptation is achieved with minimal disruption for the application’s remote interactions. This middleware service is based on the notion of global context and a generic protocol for global context election and synchronization of the adaptation steps, which we called Moratus. Our middleware service was implemented using JGroups and evaluated for groups of up to 30 devices, showing acceptable latency for groups of such size. I

    Matching with respect to general concept inclusions in the Description Logic EL

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    Matching concept descriptions against concept patterns was introduced as a new inference task in Description Logics (DLs) almost 20 years ago, motivated by applications in the Classic system. For the DL EL, it was shown in 2000 that the matching problem is NP-complete. It then took almost 10 years before this NP-completeness result could be extended from matching to unification in EL. The next big challenge was then to further extend these results from matching and unification without a TBox to matching and unification w.r.t. a general TBox, i.e., a finite set of general concept inclusions. For unification, we could show some partial results for general TBoxes that satisfy a certain restriction on cyclic dependencies between concepts, but the general case is still open. For matching, we were able to solve the general case: we can show that matching in EL w.r.t. general TBoxes is NP-complete. We also determine some tractable variants of the matching problem.

    Gut microbiome-host interactions in health and disease

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    The gut microbiome is the term given to describe the vast collection of symbiotic microorganisms in the human gastrointestinal system and their collective interacting genomes. Recent studies have suggested that the gut microbiome performs numerous important biochemical functions for the host, and disorders of the microbiome are associated with many and diverse human disease processes. Systems biology approaches based on next generation 'omics' technologies are now able to describe the gut microbiome at a detailed genetic and functional (transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolic) level, providing new insights into the importance of the gut microbiome in human health, and they are able to map microbiome variability between species, individuals and populations. This has established the importance of the gut microbiome in the disease pathogenesis for numerous systemic disease states, such as obesity and cardiovascular disease, and in intestinal conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease. Thus, understanding microbiome activity is essential to the development of future personalized strategies of healthcare, as well as potentially providing new targets for drug development. Here, we review recent metagenomic and metabonomic approaches that have enabled advances in understanding gut microbiome activity in relation to human health, and gut microbial modulation for the treatment of disease. We also describe possible avenues of research in this rapidly growing field with respect to future personalized healthcare strategies
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